Tuesday 5 July 2011

Fat Monster Sings

I've recently joined an illustrators group on Deviant Art that sets a weekly challenge for various illustrators to have a go at. It's realy useful because you not only get to practice character design and use styles you've never considered before, but you get to see what, when set the same brief, other illustrators come up with.

The first challenge I decided to tackle was the monsters Inc challenge. Create yourself as a cute kid then draw what your monster would look like and what you would be doing together. There are certain rules you have to follow like the characters must be shown head to toe and be completely original to you, no exisiting characters can be used.

I decided straight away my me and my monster would be singing a merry tune, the rest came when I started designing the character, I wanted to give her horns but was thinking of an unconvential way to do it, the opera hat seemed like a really funny alternative.