Thursday 28 January 2010

Mucha Mermaid

It's a little known fact that I went to Fine art school for two years in between college and Uni. Whilst there I discovered Alphonse Mucha and absolutely loved his work. The lines the flow everything.

Of course my fine art teacher not only hated disney *gasp* and all things cartoonified *double gasp* but the miserable bugger also hated Mucha...'not proper art and a cliche of a cliche' whatever the hell that means (I'm sure the guy was drunk most of the time'.

Anyway I was reviewing some of Mucha's work again after seeing Bri-Chan's Giselle on Deviantart when I stumbled across Mucha's Springtime. 'Wow' I thought 'That almost looks like shes floating about under the sea' (one of my many annoying character traits is that i refer everything back to Disney!)

So anyway a few hours later and here she is, my Mucha inspired Ariel. I am really pleased with how she came out, I wasn't sure how i was gonna do the background but i think it came out super :-D.

Fine art shmine art!!! Hehe!

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