Friday 25 March 2011

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!

So I've been tryin gto get the hang of my Tria markers for a while now and I just cant seem to master it. After Drawing Rapunzel for the first time the other day I just couldn't bring myself to colour my sketch with not so great markers I took it into Photoshop and made a brush to resemble the marker effect. Maybe I'll ditch the markers and stick to Photoshop after all! Rapunzel character copyright Disney of course :-)

Friday 18 March 2011

Activity Packs

These giant activity packs include 40 pages of themed puzzles and activities for kids to colour and cut out. This was one of the first projects I was given in my new job and I am well chuffed with the results :-)

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Once upon a Time 2

Previous pics as a finished article! The puzzle is double sided & there are few images on there that I didn't post before so if you see it in the shops you'll just have to buy it! :-)

Friday 4 March 2011

Once upon a Time

Pics from a nursery rhyme/ fairy story puzzle I recently worked on. This was the second in a set, the first having been done by a different illustrator. So not only did I have to match their style, I had to think of fairy tales and nursery rhymes which they hadn't done. I'm quite pleased with the outcome...Little miss muffet being my fave :-) see what you think! All images copyright Stacey Roscoe