Monday 22 February 2010

Feed Me!!

Feed me Seymour!! I was inspired whilst listening to the soundtrack for 'Little Shop of Horrors'. The famous scene where Seymour discovers it's blood Audrey 2 needs to grow.

One of my favourite musicals :-)

Friday 19 February 2010

Birthday Caricature

I had no idea what to get my friend Louisa for her birthday this month so I decided to 'cartoonize' her singing Far from the home I love in Fiddler on the Roof.

I'm quite pleased with the outcome as I had a bit of trouble making it look like her, but she was really pleased with it so that's all that matters. I printed 2 copies and layered them up for a kind of 3D effect them put them in a bordered frame. It ended up looking really nice.

Another string to my illustrator bow! At least now all my friends know what they're getting for they're birthdays :-D

Friday 12 February 2010

Oh, it's a jolly holiday with you Tom!

It's always nice when people appreciate your work, especially when it's kids. All my cartoons are so child friendly, I'm really just a big kid myself so it was especially nice when why friend told me that her 3 year old little boy had taken a shine to my illustrations.

She told me that he had seen me in the Panto I was in and was his favourite character, so she had shown him the pic I drew of myself as the fairy and now he asks every night before he goes to bed if he can look at my drawings HOW CUTE!! He rang me up the other night and I promised him I would draw him a picture, so I have lol.

I asked his mum who he liked at the minute and she said Mary Poppins, so i thought it would be cute to draw him out with Mary 'Jolly Holiday' style. The text is mirrored from the Stage Show poster. So Tom, this one's for you :-)

Monday 1 February 2010

The Boss is on a Roll!

My favourite scene from The Little Mermaid is when Ursula sings 'Poor Unfortunate Souls'. I love her as a villain, in fact she's probably my favourite disney villain, up there with the Oogie Boogie man.

Yesterday I watched The Little Mermaid for like the 100th time and decided after Ursula's song I was going to draw her. So I got my sketchbook and that's exactly what I did.

I'm quite pleased with this pic because I had no reference other than the movie that I was watching as I sketched, and as I wanted a particular part of the song, which had already passed, all I had was my memory.

"Flotsam, Jetsam, now I've got her boys, the boss is on a roll!"