Thursday 28 January 2010

Mucha Mermaid

It's a little known fact that I went to Fine art school for two years in between college and Uni. Whilst there I discovered Alphonse Mucha and absolutely loved his work. The lines the flow everything.

Of course my fine art teacher not only hated disney *gasp* and all things cartoonified *double gasp* but the miserable bugger also hated Mucha...'not proper art and a cliche of a cliche' whatever the hell that means (I'm sure the guy was drunk most of the time'.

Anyway I was reviewing some of Mucha's work again after seeing Bri-Chan's Giselle on Deviantart when I stumbled across Mucha's Springtime. 'Wow' I thought 'That almost looks like shes floating about under the sea' (one of my many annoying character traits is that i refer everything back to Disney!)

So anyway a few hours later and here she is, my Mucha inspired Ariel. I am really pleased with how she came out, I wasn't sure how i was gonna do the background but i think it came out super :-D.

Fine art shmine art!!! Hehe!

Monday 25 January 2010

Fairy Fortune

Last week I had the pleasure of playing the good fairy, Fairy Fortune in the pantomime Mother Goose. I had a fab week and was inspired to draw a pic of moi in my costume!

If i get the inclination I may do the whole cast. Some of the costumes were well over the top and would make fantastic images!

I'm working on convincing fairy dust so the pic isn't finished yet, but I still think she looks very pretty, even if I do say so myself!

Friday 8 January 2010

Lofty the Lion

I got a phone call a few weeks back from the people at BWFC, they had seen my illustration of Lofty in my illustration gallery and wanted me to draw a cartoon of him and 5 of the players for a new Junior Whites micro site they were in the process of creating. A few weeks later and here he is, I updated him a bit from the original illustartion I did. I tried to make him a bit more 'mascotty' and cleaner. Obviously he had to be wearing the new kit as well. I has a lot of fun doing this project and found the people at BWFC really nice to work with.