Thursday 22 January 2009

The start of something new?

So my friend Emma and myself are always talking about new schemes and ideas which will make us famous in the world of illustration. We both work as full time and freelance illustrators, but we're frustrated in our day jobs, hence the constant talk of starting our own business.

On one of our daily MSN chats we started talking about the rubbish illustrations you see painted on the walls and windows of nurseries, and wondered if people would actually hire someone to come out and do it for them. A quick search later and it seems people paint kid's murals as a career. 'How interesting' we thought, could we paint on such a large scale, and with actual paints rather than Photoshop?

So begins the challenge.... Jack's walls are a dull brown colour, not very interesting for a little boy. So myself and Emma have been drafted in to create a bit of magic and to brighten the place up a bit. Jack's favourite characters include, Lazy Town, Mr Tumble, Fimbles, Bob the Builder and Winnie the Pooh. A small feat for such talented illustrators :-o

I'll be keeping a diary on here of the work in progress, and we'll be taking pictures every step of the way so hopefully the challenge won't prove too much for us and Jack will be left with a brilliant mural at the end of the month. Watch this space!!!!

Monday 5 January 2009

Well as my promo cards I sent out over Christmas have had no Joy in getting me any work I've had a few hours free to work on the Elphaba pic. I want to create a 'painty' look to it. I messed around with the technique a bit in Uni but haven't really kept it up so it's a trial and error thing at the minute.

It's still not finished and i think the light and dark still needs to be a bit more extreme but I'm chugging along with it anyway :-)

Toodles for now

Well as my